Jennifer Aniston reveals the truth about viral TikTok salad she allegedly prefers

It’s FAKE! Jennifer Aniston DENIES she ate a famous TikTok salad for a decade
Courteney Cox claimed the actress ate this meal every day while filming "Friends".

Jennifer Aniston responded on viral TikTok salad she allegedly ate. A food blogger claimed the actress ate it for a decade. Courteney Cox said that too, adding Jennifer Aniston did it every day while filming Friends.

The meal including red onion, cucumber, pistachios, fresh parsley, fresh mint and a can of chickpeas. But Jennifer Aniston denied it was her recipe.

"It looks like a delicious salad but that’s not the one I had on Friends. Not good for the digestive tract," she said Elle.

Read also: Jennifer Aniston criticizes Paris Hilton and Monica Lewinsky as they have fame for doing nothing.

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