'Her dad came up': Gwyneth Paltrow told how she decided to name her daughter Apple

Gwyneth Paltrow recalled how 17 years ago she decided to name her daughter Apple
It was her ex-husband's idea, and the actress only supported her.

Gwyneth Paltrow told how she and her husband came up with her daughter's name 17 years ago. She received a question on a social network, and publicly answered it.

It turned out that the idea belonged to her ex-husband Chris Martin. He suggested the name Apple, and Gwyneth supported the idea.

Gwyneth Paltrow recalled how 17 years ago she decided to name her daughter Apple

She said, "Her dad came up with the name and I fell in love with it. I thought it was original and cool."

"I can't imagine her being called anything else," she added.

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