Katie Price given a new reprieve from bankruptcy until at least February 2023

The court wants to watch the former model work with people.
Katie Price has again managed to get away with testifying in court about her huge £3.2 million bankruptcy debts. For now, her assets will not be auctioned off against the debts.
The 43-year-old former model won't be able to make music until February 2023, but she won't lose her house, either. A hearing at London's Royal Court of Justice was to take place on June 7, writes The Sun.
Her mansion will be put up for sale on February 9, 2023. During this time the court will be able to see how Katie Price deals with the people she owes money to, and whether she intends to return debts on her own initiative.
Read also: Katie Price was given another 11 hours to repay her £3.2 million debt.