Moonlight on the ocean: Victoria Beckham revealed the idea of creating a dress for her son's wedding

VIDEO: Victoria Beckham revealed the details of creating a dress for her son's wedding
The designer created the outfit for five days.

47-year-old designer Victoria Beckham shone in an unusual dress at the wedding of her son Brooklyn, which took place last weekend. She decided to reveal the details of the creation of her unusual outfit, which resembled flowing steel.

She added: "The lace is actually three different styles, placed to create a new lace and then hand embroidered''.

Victoria posted a video in a dress, and said that it took five days to create it.

"A special dress for a special day. The first Victoria Beckham couture dress made in our London atelier," she told her followers. She added that she was inspired by moonlight on the ocean.

Read also: 'I am perfect the way I am': Selena Gomez answered the bodyshamers.

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