250 mummies in coffins were found in Egypt's Saqqara

Sui Xiankai/XinHua/www.globallookpress.com
Over 450 decorated sealed coffins with mummies in good condition have been found in the cemetery, all of them about 2500 years old.

Archaeologists have discovered in Egypt a large batch of priceless ancient artifacts in the Saqqara necropolis.

It is believed that this place near Cairo still holds a lot of secrets. On display are dozens of newly discovered, beautifully decorated coffins or sarcophagi, still sealed with their owners' mummy inside, as well as dozens of bronze statues.

The latest finds, including some 250 still-sealed sarcophagi, were made at Saqqara's Cemetery of Sacred Animals, Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, told CBS News.

Read also: Ancient Mayan city discovered at construction site.