Beyoncé accidentally made 'educational' her new album 'Renaissance'

Photo: face to face//Global Look Press
Google noted a spike in queries and hits for the word.

Beyoncé's new album has not yet been released, but it has already become insanely popular on the Internet. Google noted that it is "conquering the charts" of search queries.

In the last day alone, the singer's fans began searching for the word "Renaissance" 50% more often. But the interesting thing is that people have become curious about what "Renaissance" is - the number of "definition of Renaissance" queries has more than doubled.

Beyoncé herself doesn't seem to have anticipated that she released an "educational" album, because the singer's fans began to be interested in history and culture while they would listen to her new music, TMZ writes.

Read also: Beyoncé announces her first album in six years Renaissance.