Bill Gates calls 'tragedy' when someone refused Covid vaccination because of conspiracy theories about him

Keiko Hiromi/AFLO/
Conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers continue to spread false information about COVID-19 vaccines.

It’s a tragedy if conspiracy theories about him putting microchips in COVID-19 vaccines is preventing people from getting vaccinated, Bill Gates states.

"The one about tracking people, I don't know why they think I'm interested in knowing people's locations — that one I still have to laugh at — but if it's holding people back from getting vaccinated, then that's tragic," Gates said in an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper on Friday.

Billionaire thinks that conspiracy theories are "fun to click on"and people are likely will believe “simple explanations” than serious science.

Read also: Prince Charles thanked Oxford’s scientists for university’s ‘vital’ role in Covid combat.