Dolph Lundgren spoke well of Amber Heard and said she was easy to work with

Photo: Birdie Thompson/AdMedia/Global Look Press
He shared his experience from the filming of Aquaman 2.

Dolph Lundgren talked about his experience working with Amber Heard during the filming of Aquaman 2. The actor admitted that Amber was easy to work with and she was very nice to fellow filmmakers.

Despite all the torrent of negativity that came down on Amber amid her trial with Johnny Depp, Lungren did not say a single bad word about Amber. Dolph added that the actress is a great professional both on and off camera.

It's unclear if Dolph Lungren's words will be enough to get Amber fully back in Aquaman 2, TMZ writes.

Read also: Johnny Depp spent time with his ex Kate Moss.