‘Dune’ cinematographer Greig Fraser spoke to bring back the old Oscars format

Photo: AMPAS/AMPAS/AdMedia/Global Look Press
He believes that make-up artists, sound engineers and costume designers should return to the red carpet.

At the last Oscar ceremony, awards in 8 categories were presented not in the Academy hall, but in broadcast mode. The organizers of the show explained this by the current economy, LA Times informs.

The operator of "Dune" Greig Fraser said during a conversation with reporters that this should not be so. He called for the return of "artisans of cinema" to the red carpet along with the stars of Hollywood.

Fraser explained that not only top actors and directors make films, but also make-up artists, make-up artists, technicians, sound engineers, costume designers and others.

"I think they've really got to think about it for next year," says Greig.

Read also: Jim Carrey says Will Smith should have been arrested after slapping at the Oscars.