'He's a fatass': Depp's bodyguard talks about Johnny and Amber's abusive relationship

Photo: Ron Sachs/Consolidated News Photos/Global Look Press
Sean Bett did not see cases of physical violence in the couple.

Johnny Depp's bodyguard testified against Amber Heard on Monday. Sean Bett said that he personally observed a "volatile" relationship in a couple, but did not see any cases of physical violence, informs Insider.

However, he testified that Depp and Hurt often quarreled, and Amber insulted her husband and showed offensive behavior. The actress once threw a bottle of water (or a paper cup) towards Depp, and he did not see any more violence.

"I overheard her saying, 'He's a fatass, f*** you Johnny, and f*** you, too, Sean,'" he said in court.

Read also: Amber Heard's 'assistant' kicked out of court.