'I always celebrate my body': Jessica Simpson admits she loves her body at any size

Photo: Kristin Callahan/Keystone Press Agency/Global Look Press
The actress has recently lost a lot of weight.

Jessica Simpson admitted that she loves her body in any size and weight, despite the fact that she recently lost a lot of weight. She has lost 100 pounds three times and therefore understands women who are at any weight.

"I understand loving where you're at or wanting more or wanting something better," she said.

She added that now she feels as comfortable as possible. The mother of three children believes that the most important thing in a woman's body is its ability to give birth, and not at all weight.

"I always celebrate my body. The fact that it made children is unreal, but you just don't ever think you're going to fit back into things. It's crazy. A woman's body is phenomenal in what it can do," said she is People.

Read also: Rebel Wilson denies her extreme diet.