Kanye West plans to put his music career on hold for a year

Photo: Walik Goshorn/www.imago-images.de/Global Look Press
The rapper wants to sort himself out.

One of Kanye West's collaborators Vory told that the rapper plans to put his career on pause. He intends to take a year off from music to sort himself out. It is because of this that he did not attend the party to celebrate the release of his new album.

According to Vory, Kanye "is battling his own s**t. That's my dog, I learned a lot from him."

"I was just talking to [Kanye] today. We've been talking through my best friend who's also his assistant, because he hasn't been wanting to talk to anybody," People qouted Vory.

Read also: Kanye West breaks up with his girlfriend Chaney Jones… after he's seen with another woman.