Kim Kardashian's trainer denied that the star was starving herself for Met Gala

Photo: face to face/Global Look Press
Don-A-Matrix explained that Kim lost weight in a healthy way.

Kim Kardashian's trainer Don-A-Matrix responded to criticism of her weight loss for the sake of Marilyn Monroe's dress. Earlier, Lili Reinhart called the bullying of stars with millions of subscribers over their bodies insane.

As the trainer told TMZ, Kim did go on a diet, but it certainly wasn't starvation. Kardashian also didn't exhaust herself with sports, however she did work hard at the gym.

Don-A-Matrix added that Kim's weight loss was not unhealthy.

"Not at all. Not from my end from what I saw. We were working out sometimes twice a day. It's possible to lose 20 pounds in a healthy way," concluded the SKIMS creator's trainer.

Read also: Marilyn Monroe would be thrilled to see Kim Kardashian in her dress.