Man who bedded with Will Smith's wife is preparing to write a book about it

Photo: Imagespace/Keystone Press Agency/Global Look Press
Jada Smith admitted that she cheated on her husband with musician August Alsina.

Will Smith did not have time to recover from the flurry of criticism for the slap at the Oscars, but he already faced with a new problem. It seems that they want to finally publicly humiliate him.

August Alsina, with whom Jada Smith slept while already married to Will, is preparing to write an autobiographical book. Apparently, in the memoirs he will describe all the details of his affair with the wife of the Hollywood star.

According to The Sun, August is ready to sign a six-figure contract for this book. Insiders talks, the musician will describe how he had fun with Smith's wife in his house while the actor was on the set.

Read also: Michael Bay slammed by Will Smith at the Oscars.