Monroe's estate: Marilyn would be thrilled to see Kim Kardashian in her dress

Photo: Company of Artists/ Look Press
Manager of the organization approved look of the TV star at the Met Gala 2022.

The president of the Authentic Brands Group, which manages Marilyn Monroe's estate, approved Kim Kardashian's appearance in the actress's dress at the Met Gala 2022. He told TMZ that Marilyn would certainly be glad that such a big TV star wore her iconic dress.

According to Woodhouse, Monroe would be delighted to see Kim in her outfit. Nick added that the reason for this is the similarity between the two great celebrities of different eras.

"They're strong, powerful, and independent entrepreneurs who love being in front of the camera," explained manager Marilyn Monroe's estate.

Read also: Marilyn Monroe experts said Kim Kardashian "unworthy" to wear that dress.