A day 66 millions years ago: Discoveries revealed the last day of dinosaurs

Bernd Thissen/dpa/Globallookpress.com
A stunning fossil found last year at the Tanis dig site in North Dakota.

Scientists had found a leg of Thescelosaurus that helped them to look into a day 66 million years ago.

Due to this found they can recostruct how this dinosaur moved along the seashore. Stretching about 12 feet long and weighing about 500 pounds, the thickly muscled dinosaur was probably looking for food - or trying to avoid becoming a meal.

The ground started shaking with intense vibrations while water in the nearby sea sloshed about in response. Thescelosaurus panicked and looked to flee - but it was too late, WP reports.

Read also:Scientists found out, why aliens haven't visited Earth yet.